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Mumbai, India

Each year in September,our delegation to Mumbai, India, is being launched. The volunteer work lasts two weeks and is dedicated to educative activities with children in slum neighborhoods in the city. the expedition is divided into two main tracks: first, teaching English, math, music and personal hygiene. The second part is dedicated to physical action to renovate and improve the living conditions of children, same as agricultural projects, painting residential structure and much more.
The volunteer expeditions to India started in 2014, and this year will be the fourth time we get to the children in the slums in Mumbai Drahbi. One of our leading principles is continuity and therefore, every delegation work with the same children that the delegations that preceded them worked with. Thus we create a more valuable and meaningful action.
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In addition to action with children in slum neighborhoods during the week, weekends are dedicated to volunteer activity with the local Jewish community. The theme of these activities is about strengthening the connection between them and Israel focusing on cultural exchange. In that way the volunteers learn about the way of life of the community and enjoy the many tastes and colors of India.
Our next cycle of volunteer expedition to India “Daniel team” is dedicated to the memory of Staff Sergeant Daniel Pomerantz, who was killed during the operation “Protective edge”.
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